My subscription is not visible in the AVG web portal

I have purchased a subscription in the Windows app, but when I go to the AVG web portal, no subscription is linked to my account. Please help

Thank you for sharing the details, Sergio.

We've forwarded your concern to our higher level of our support.
They'll further look into this & get back to you via email as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, your patience is very much appreciated. Thanks!

Hello Sergio.
We suppose that you are logging in to AVG MyAccount using the same email address as you used to contact us here.
Unfortunately, you do not have any active paid subscriptions registered to this email address. Please use the correct email address to login to AVG MyAccount. 
Hi. Im not realy sure in if I was connected to any account when I paid, but after I paid I received an email in (Email address redacted) with detailed information about my purchase (Purchase Order (#Order number redacted)) and inmediatelly I loged in with this accunt. "(Email address redacted). but no suscription data is available, could you please check and tellme wich email account is my puchase linked in?

Hello Sergio.
We suppose that you are logging in to AVG MyAccount using the same email address as you used to contact us here.
Unfortunately, you do not have any active paid subscriptions registered to this email address. Please use the correct email address to login to AVG MyAccount.