My WIFI Network

On July 22 this year I received an AVG update since that time my laptop will no longer my WIFI network. Every other device in my home will, but not my laptop. I have to this point tried everything with no success.
Help, please.

Mut case number is now 21807068. I am running windows 10 and none of the instructions you have given appear as you say. When i enter UAC in the task bar a window opens with a sliding bar scale from notify me of changes to don't notify me of changes. I am never prompted to enter an admin password word on start up. So I am not sure what to do. Perhaps a phone would help. I am plan the purchase of a new laptop and at this point I will never install AVG.

The kill switch is off and I have disabled internet security. My laptop will still not discover my WiFi while every other device in my home does.

Thank you for writing us back and sharing the information.
We understand that you are still facing this issue even after disabling Kill switch feature and AVG internet security. 
Please let us know if you have tried connecting your laptop to alternate network, such as mobile hotspot, if not please check and let us know.
Could you please let us know if you have recently updated your Drivers using AVG Driver Updater? 
In some cases, updating a driver can cause problems on your PC, such as your audio or trackpad not working properly, or issues with screen resolution and graphics quality. If this occurs, follow the steps below to solve the issue.
If you suspet that Driver Updater has caused the issue, we can revert the changes made by it & check. To do so : Open Driver Updater - Restore option (at top) - Select the backup - Click on network adapters - Restore - Restart your computer once & check if it allows you to connect to internet. 
Please refer this article for detailed information to restore and check: | AVG (
Please do try and let us know, if the above steps has helped you.
Thank you and keep us updated.

Yes, I am able to connect to my iPhone as a mobile hot spot and AVD driver updater has been run say all my drivers are pure to date. My laptop is still not able to discover my WIFI network, but my wireless printer in the same room can.

Mut case number is now 21807068. I am running windows 10 and none of the instructions you have given appear as you say. When i enter UAC in the task bar a window opens with a sliding bar scale from notify me of changes to don't notify me of changes. I am never prompted to enter an admin password word on start up. So I am not sure what to do. Perhaps a phone would help. I am plan the purchase of a new laptop and at this point I will never install AVG.

Hello Charles,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We are really sorry to know this you are still facing same issue. We'll certainly check and help you out.
We have sent  you an email for further assistance. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Thank you and keep us updated.

Thank you for taking out your most valuable time to writing us back.
We are really sorry to know this you are still facing issue. We'll certainly check and help you out.
We have sent  you an email for further assistance. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Thank you and keep us updated.