Never recieved my lost activation code by email

Hello Bram,
I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. I have sent you an email with the article to activate the AVG internet security program along with the license number. Please follow the instructions.
AVG performance is a mutlidevice program works with Zen interface(Zen+pc tuneup). You can connect any number of devices to improve the performance by creating the Zen network. Have a look at this link to know more about AVG Performance:

Feel free to get back to us for any further assistance.

Thank you.

I lost mij activation code from internet securety, order 35-5057350
date 23-05-2015. i try with your advice 3 times and never recieve
the code on my

order 29-1791590 date 16-02-2015 will you please tell me wat
Performance Multi Device means? Wy do I pay for what?
please answer my questions

Hello Bram,
I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. I have sent you an email with the article to activate the AVG internet security program along with the license number. Please follow the instructions.
AVG performance is a mutlidevice program works with Zen interface(Zen+pc tuneup). You can connect any number of devices to improve the performance by creating the Zen network. Have a look at this link to know more about AVG Performance:

Feel free to get back to us for any further assistance.

Thank you.