so I uninstalled everything… AVG Tuneup, Browser, Anti Virus and your Driver files app. my computer returned to operating normally… I then reinstalled ONLY Tuneup, and so far it seems it is still operating normally.
HOWEVER, upon startup after I uninstalled all AVG stuff - at least 4 of my devices popped up a message saying that I have the WRONG driver files installed for my devices… and then rolled back the driver files that your AVG had installed…
so it may seem that the bug is in your Drivers Files app???
Hello Veeramani,
the ONLY change to my computer was uninstalling the 2014 version and installing the new version.
I have tried tackling this from a Windows 10 perspective and all my settings for a computer wake up (movement of mouse or keyboard stroke) are still active and the same as they have always been.
with 2014 of Tuneup we had far more control of what Tuneup does… with this new version all user control of the software is gone.
i will uninstall it and try over night…
After using Tuneup for many years, I now just bought the latest version, and seems you guys at AVG went to market to soon with too many bugs in the software still…
AVG Tuneup now puts my PC in a coma at night that is impossible to wake it from in the morning.
with the previous version installed, at night my PC would go in to sleep mode and in the morning I just move the mouse or hit a key on the keyboard and my computer wakes up.
now with the new version, I have to hit the Reboot button on my PC to get the computer to start up and boot from scratch… any work left open at night is lost…!!!
Please fix this!!
using Tuneup should be an effortless experience not a burden on your customers - i dont want to have to make sure i save and close my work every single day because your software is going to shut my PC off every night!
the ONLY change to my computer was uninstalling the 2014 version and installing the new version.
I have tried tackling this from a Windows 10 perspective and all my settings for a computer wake up (movement of mouse or keyboard stroke) are still active and the same as they have always been.
with 2014 of Tuneup we had far more control of what Tuneup does.. with this new version all user control of the software is gone.
i will uninstall it and try over night..
This isn't the expected behavior. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.
How do you suspect that AVG tuneup changes sleep effect?
Have you tried to uninstall AVG Tuneup and check the status? If not, please uninstall AVG Tuneup and check it. Refer the below link to remove AVG Tuneup :
Uninstalling AVG Tuneup (
Keep us updated. Thanks
so I uninstalled everything… AVG Tuneup, Browser, Anti Virus and your Driver files app. my computer returned to operating normally… I then reinstalled ONLY Tuneup, and so far it seems it is still operating normally.
HOWEVER, upon startup after I uninstalled all AVG stuff - at least 4 of my devices popped up a message saying that I have the WRONG driver files installed for my devices… and then rolled back the driver files that your AVG had installed…
so it may seem that the bug is in your Drivers Files app???
I uninstalled ALL AVG products from my computer and its back to working fine again.
i will now reinstall and see which one of your products has the bug in it.
Appreciate your effort in this.
Keep us posted.
Hello Stephen,
This isn't the expected behavior.
In order to analyze the root cause, we request you to get connected with our additional support.
An email instruction has been sent which will help you to get connected.
Thank you.
Sure Stephen. You can reach our support team at your convenient time. We are available at 24/7. Thank you.