No confirmation received,refunding wanted

Hello Gies,
We acknowledge your refund request.
We couldn't locate the charges under your current account. Instead, we are able to locate the charges under the misspelled e-mail address. So, you have not received the order confirmation email & the products are registered with this account.
We sent you an e-mail explaining the charges and revert to us to proceed further. If the e-mail is not found in your inbox, do check your spam/junk folders as well.
Thank you.


I noticed that you charged my account on december the 6th 2019 for the following amount:56,98+66,99+14,99euro. As I never received a confirmation order I don't kwow the ordernumber which I need for the refunding procedure neither what products I paid for. So I would like to be refunded for that total amount. Maybe something went wrong. Many tahnks in advance.

Gies Kalhöfer

Hello Gies,
We acknowledge your refund request.
We couldn't locate the charges under your current account. Instead, we are able to locate the charges under the misspelled e-mail address. So, you have not received the order confirmation email & the products are registered with this account.
We sent you an e-mail explaining the charges and revert to us to proceed further. If the e-mail is not found in your inbox, do check your spam/junk folders as well.
Thank you.