I've already been down that road. Twice!. Contact AVG? That's why I asked in here because each tech I spoke to has it their mind they knew what the problem was, no icon. They didn't listen. Didn't listen, and only want access.
Unfortunately, these etch-a-sketch type of suppoort forums lack in sdimple things like atacjing a image so words will have to do.
- When Unltiumate was installed, it was NO TRIAL:. Be clear about that.
- In sept pf this year, AVG turned over and kept telling me to upgrade to "Pro". IU bought a years subscription. Not 3 months. Tech support fixced that. They just had me disable the notices. So, that fixed it so I don't see I should upgrade to Pro. But it still means I should.
- 4 - 5 days ago, I ooled at the tray. There were two icons, as has been since it was installed. There was Tune-Up, where I could just right-click and select Turbo Mode. The other icon was the AVG logo, and tight-clicking, I could selectm right from there, Temporariliy disable AVG security. and select an amount of time. Done.
- The probelm began when the Tuneup icon diosappeared, and the AVG logo althnough on mouseover says "Click to open AVG" and right-click pen not a contect menu, but a kiddi-koder kewl pop-up that offers "Open AVG", Scan, Run PC Tune Up. ONE ICON, not two and the options thazt were there, are now buried 9 clicks inside.
- Now it's down to one icon, and It doesn't tell me if security is running at all. So I check with a decent process program, and fid the bits and pieces of AVG running. After searchiung out what each means and is for, and keeping a list, I can now check occassionaly to make suyre it is on. heck of a lot of work loading AVG. Norton, it loads at boot, plain and easy.
SUMMARY: The product I bought is not the same thing that showed up a few deays ago. It does not tell me how much time is left on the subscription, does not have the GUI (TWO of them) that I paid for, it only has one and not what I paid for.
RESULT with AVG: Let's assume I l;eased a car from you. AS Ford Custoim 500 Super Sport. I drive it, love it, and love the GUI and it's power and mobility. 45 days later, the engine light com,es on and tells me to upgrade to bigger and better engine. But I don't want a bigger engine and so the mechanic, she pulls the wires out that lead to the warning light. A week or so later, the car looks great, but half od the dash is gone, including the pieces that held the warning lights. I take it back again and 6 different mechanics take a turn at telling me what is wrong. But first, they need to chack my hose, my garage, my driving, maybe change a few things and tweak this, paint that, and it will work. Several years ago, when the mechanic was last at my house, she burned it down. It's why mechanics are not allowed in my house (computer).
They can lie to me about the problem, and blame everything from solar flares toi alien invasion, but don't insult me by expecting me to beleive it.
Ih yes, when they started popping oiut messages tjhat I should upgrade to pro, and they disabled the notice, all thyree devices that HAD AVG now had a trial os AVG Internet Security and I had to reinbstall Ultimate again, and go through all the Scan again, tuneup again, which makes me wonder, whhy did the computers that were tuned up by AVG Ultimate, suddenly needing to be tuned up again by AVG Ultimate.
I don't think AVG can stick together much longer the way it's tweaked and gibbled to make it work - even if it means sddestroying the comp, so loing as AVG works on it - all is good eh!