No subscription shown yet I've paid, cannot access product

Hello Alfred,
I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing.
I will certainly check and help you with this.
As It is not recommended to share your order/subscription information over this public post. I've sent you an email including all answers with the activation code. Please check and revert to us.
Thank you.

I paid for an AVG subscription on 22nd April 2021 yet nothing is shown on my account, I therefore cannot activate the product. An AVG email on that date confirming  payment has now expired. How can I access the full product I paid for?

Copy of AVG message 22nd April 2021...'Your Ultimate experience starts now'

Hello Alfred,
I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing.
I will certainly check and help you with this.
As It is not recommended to share your order/subscription information over this public post. I've sent you an email including all answers with the activation code. Please check and revert to us.
Thank you.