Not able to open and/or uninstall AVG

Thank you for getting back to us.
I'm glad to know that your issue has been resolved.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance with AVG.

Hello Joel,

I understand how this must be upsetting.
You are facing this issue on you Mac, Is that right?

Hi, my AVG Anti Virus doesnt open at all anymore. I've tried rebooting, clearing cashes, forcing it as a startup program but nothing happens. Now I tried to install it again, but only get a message that I need to uninstall it befor I can reinsatll. So now I'm stuck since I have no clue how to uninstall it. Have tried just putting it in trash but that didnt do the trick.

How can I uninstall AVG when not being able to open the program at all?


Yes, MBP (2017), version 10.13.1 (17B48).

I actually managed to solve this by continues seraching and manually deleting all files named AVG. I have now been able to install AVG again.

Hello Joel,

I understand how this must be upsetting.
You are facing this issue on you Mac, Is that right?