Not the program I bought

Hello Mike,
I am sorry to hear this. But the updates for AVG 2016 version has been stopped and it is no longer available. I recommend you to use AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version for better protection. Please install AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version in your PC's using this article . If you still face issue in installing AVG Internet Security unlimited, please share screenshot to assist you better.
To create a screenshot, please use this link .
Thank you.

Abirami (Customer Support)
"You can use the 2016 version as long as it works in your PC. AVG Internet Security unlimited 2016 cannot be installed in other PC's [sic] but it can be used in existing PC's [sic]"
Just, for goodness' sake, tell us all how to install AVG Internet Security 2016 on all our PCs. And what happened to 'AVG_Protection_822.exe'?
I am advised that 'AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version' does not give better protection.

Despite having put this question to you before no acceptable answer has been given. I have AVG Internet Security build 16.121.7859 running on one computer, why are you preventing its installation on our other 3 computers?

Again I say that AVG 2017 is not the program I bought but with extraordinary arrogance your company, now Avast, installed it without my permission, refused a refund and told me that AVG Internet Security 2016 no longer works.
If it were possible to attach an image without a URL I could show you AVG Internet Security 2016 being uodated today 10 June 2017 with the latest virus definitions.

Hello Mike,
I am sorry to hear this. But the updates for AVG 2016 version has been stopped and it is no longer available. I recommend you to use AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version for better protection. Please install AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version in your PC's using this article . If you still face issue in installing AVG Internet Security unlimited, please share screenshot to assist you better.
To create a screenshot, please use this link .
Thank you.

Abirami Shanmugam (AVG Technologies),Installing updates 100617
Now then, are you taking this in?
Above is a screen shot of AVG Internet Security 2016 build 16.121.7859 installing updates which were downloaded today 10 June 2017. Got it?
So exactly where does that leave your statement "the updates for AVG 2016 version has been stopped and it is no longer available"?

I can understand your concern. You can use the 2016 version as long as it works in your PC. But it is recommended to use AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version for better protection. AVG Internet Security unlimited 2016 cannot be installed in other PC's but it can be used in existing PC's. So please use this link to install AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 in other PC's .
Thank you.

Mike, If applicable… For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Although Avast acquired AVG they are still companies in their own rights with separate websites.
AVG Guru


I certainly understand your concern about AVG 2016 version. But AVG 2016 link is not available, It is recommended to use 2017. AVG has done a forced up-gradation with a reason. It will help users to get the best protection and to fix issues faster. 

Please use the link provided by Abirami to install AVG 2017 Internet security. If you face any difficulties with the installation, please don't hesitate to contact us.

I look forward to your response!

Abirami (Customer Support)
"You can use the 2016 version as long as it works in your PC. AVG Internet Security unlimited 2016 cannot be installed in other PC's [sic] but it can be used in existing PC's [sic]"
Just, for goodness' sake, tell us all how to install AVG Internet Security 2016 on all our PCs. And what happened to 'AVG_Protection_822.exe'?
I am advised that 'AVG Internet Security unlimited 2017 version' does not give better protection.