Old vault wont recover even though i used same pin

Hello Terry, 

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. we will check and help you to resolve it. Could you please explain how did you move the vault from old phone to new phone? 

Also, can you please confirm the operating system version installed in your both devices? We look forward for your response.

My old phone a Samsung S7 edge crashed and i copied the photos in my vault to my new phone a Samsung S20 plus. It did not do it at first but now after about 2 weeks i am getting the recover old vault message to put in old pin to recover, i only ever use one pin and when i put it in nothing is recovering. On a few attempts i deliberately used and incorrect pin and it told me there was a pin mismatch but again when i use the correct pin there is no error message and no recovered vault pictures.  I am using AVG anti virus paid subscription. Is there any way i can fix this?

I moved the vault by copying the vault folder from the old phone to the new phone.  The old phone had android version 7 i believe and the new one has android 12

Hello Terry, 

Thank you for providing requested information. We have escalated your request to concerned AVG Mobile support team. They will check and get back to you via email soon. We really appreciate your patience.

Hello Terry, 

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. we will check and help you to resolve it. Could you please explain how did you move the vault from old phone to new phone? 

Also, can you please confirm the operating system version installed in your both devices? We look forward for your response.