On tablet Lenovo Thinkpad 8 touch don't work

Hello Tullio, You mean that only the Touch doesn't work to access on AVG PC TuneUp program. Am I right? or is the touch isn't working at all?

Hello Tulli I am sorry to hear this. May I know does this issue persisted from installing AVG or from the middle you are getting this issue? Thank you.

Hello Tullio.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming AVG PC Tuneup "2016" version. Your patience is much appreciated.
Thank you.

Hello to all,
I am happy with my AVG performance on my destop but on my tablet Thinkpad 8 Lenovo is impossible
work because touch with AVG don't work; all other program work ok with touch.
With external mouse it's ok.

Hello Tulli I am sorry to hear this. May I know does this issue persisted from installing AVG or from the middle you are getting this issue? Thank you.

Problem persist from installing: to do installation i must use mouse because software not responding at touch…

Yes, You have right this occur only in access TuneUp; I don't say that my Lenovo Thinkpad 8 work with Windows 10 x32 in a clean installation and that in other my touch PC (Samsung) Windows 10 x64 there is not problem.

Hello Tullio.
I am really sorry to know this. It would be great if you could describe the issue in more details with examples of where touch doesn't work etc.
Thank you.

beforeof  all sorry for my poor english.
today i have reinstalled AVG Performance and the issue touch start after installation of tuneup after 1° cleaning when open dashboard: at this point touch non responding on tuneup window but work ok on desktop and other windows or start menu; if i insert a mouse i can use tuneup normally but no with touch.
Thank for Your reply.

Hello Tullio.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming AVG PC Tuneup "2016" version. Your patience is much appreciated.
Thank you.