Onbekende afschrijving

Hello Hans,

AVG Support via Community forum is available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate ( https://translate.google.com ) for translation.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We'll check and help you with the refund.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate any active subscription under this email address. We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email to assist you further.

Hallo Meneer,Mevrouw

Er is op 21-5-2020  om 7.29.15 door ICS een betaling met mijn creditkaartnr(Deleted)
klantnr (Delated) aanDRI AVG.COM IRL gedaan.
Ik heb geen bestelling gedaan en geen abonnementen bij U lopen
dus graag terug betaling.
Bankrek (Deleted) of via de creditkaart
Vriendelijke groet
Hans Nederend

Hello Hans,

AVG Support via Community forum is available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate ( https://translate.google.com ) for translation.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We'll check and help you with the refund.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate any active subscription under this email address. We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email to assist you further.