I've been using the free version of AVG for a while. Today AVG told me there was a one-day offer: optimize your computer with AVG TuneUP. I downloaded it, used it, and restarted my computer. Afterwards everything was shit. One of the functions of TuneUp is to remove broken shortcuts. Well, now pretty much no of my shortcuts are working, I can't open up AVG (regular AVG) anymore, the folder where Google Chrome is installed is somehow broken and not possible to open. It's also not possible to uninstall AVG TuneUp.
Anyone else expeirenced problems like this? What should I do?
Hello Anton, We regret for the inconvenience caused. Since you have mentioned that you are expriencing issue with AVG PC Tune up , we had confirmed that you have ran 1 time maintenance scan to optimaize your system. Since its trial version it will expire within a day once it installed in your system and we can't use any of the fetaures. To get the issue fixed, we have the two option. 1. We need to purchase AVG PC Tune up to get the "Restore option. 2. Please try to restore your system to get the issue fixed. Thank you for understanding.
Thansk for the quick reply. However, the problem has already been resolved. It turned out the cause of the issue was a weird problem with the hard drive, which the computer was able to repair on it's own when told to do so. All shortcuts are now working again.
It's possible that the problem was caused by a bugged windows update, I'm not sure, since it turned out the shortcuts weren't actually removed.
Hello Anton, We regret for the inconvenience caused. Since you have mentioned that you are expriencing issue with AVG PC Tune up , we had confirmed that you have ran 1 time maintenance scan to optimaize your system. Since its trial version it will expire within a day once it installed in your system and we can't use any of the fetaures. To get the issue fixed, we have the two option. 1. We need to purchase AVG PC Tune up to get the "Restore option. 2. Please try to restore your system to get the issue fixed. Thank you for understanding.
Anton, Pleased to see that you appear to be sorted now. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting. We appreciate all your efforts and patience. Please feel free to get back to us for any issues with AVG. We work round the clock, thank you!