Oppsigelse av abonnement

Hello Kjell,

Thank you for posting in AVG Community Forum.
AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( https://translate.google.com /) to translate this post.

As we informed earlier, your subscription was canceled. Therefore, you won't be charged in the future automatically after the expiration of the product. 
It seems you are receiving email reminders to renew your subscription manually. If you don't like to receive emails from AVG, please refer to this article to disable it.
Thank you.

Jeg varslet, via chat, 17.9., at jeg ikke ønsket å fornye Security fra fra 31.10. - fikk svar med bl.a. spørsmål om hvorfor. Jeg var også innom 'Min konto' og trykket for Ikke å fornye abbonement. Likevel får jeg stadig mail med oppfordring om å oppdatere min betalingsgsinfo, bl.a. med henvisning til et kortnummer jeg ikke har. Hvorfor kommer det stadig slike forespørsler når jeg ikke skal betale mer?
Programmet ble avinstallert 17.9. - 1,5 md før utløpsdato
Kjell Gran
Hello Kjell,

Thank you for posting in AVG Community Forum.
AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( https://translate.google.com /) to translate this post.

As we informed earlier, your subscription was canceled. Therefore, you won't be charged in the future automatically after the expiration of the product. 
It seems you are receiving email reminders to renew your subscription manually. If you don't like to receive emails from AVG, please refer to this article to disable it.
Thank you.