Opstartproblemen met PC

Annelies, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
Startup problems with PC
Hello, I have startup problems with PC, can this be AVG? I have windows 10 AVG launch since 03–03 2018 on my PC, use a lot.
I do not know what this program does, but can I delete it?
AVG Guru

Hallo ,ik heb opstartproblemen met pc ,kan dit aan avg liggen ? ik heb windows 10 
Avg launch sinds 03--03 2018 op mijn pc ,gebruik veel .
ik weet niet wat dit programma doet ,maar kan ik dit verwijderen ? 
Grts Annelies
Hello Annelies,

The support is available only in English. Please visit https://support.avg.com/ for more help or respond back in English.

Annelies, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
Startup problems with PC
Hello, I have startup problems with PC, can this be AVG? I have windows 10 AVG launch since 03–03 2018 on my PC, use a lot.
I do not know what this program does, but can I delete it?
AVG Guru