Ottimo antivirus

Hello Giuliano. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback about AVG. We value your continued patronage with us.

excuse me if I wrote in Italian thanks for having translated Alan Binch, your antivirus and the best at the moment for Windows 8.1

Ciao questo antivirus è l'unico a funzionare perfettamente con windows 8.1 l'ho installato oggi ed e ottimo prima avevo avast e mi bloccava il pc ora e tutto perfetto grazie AVG.

Hello Giuliano. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback about AVG. We value your continued patronage with us.

Giuliano, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
good antivirus
Hello this antivirus is the only one to work perfectly with Windows 8.1 and I installed it today and I had very good first avast and I blocked the pc now and everything perfect thanks AVG.
AVG Guru
excuse me if I wrote in Italian thanks for having translated Alan Binch, your antivirus and the best at the moment for Windows 8.1