Hi Carol,
You can just remove Outlook addon via add/remove from Control panel.
I have has this problem for MONTHS: Every morning, when I turn on my computer, my Outlook.pst file is GONE. It has been deleted. I have tracked it with various tools, and I have finally found the culprit: AVG 2014 Outlook Add-in (which doesn't work, anyway). This is the PAID version of AVG Internet Security 2014.
Here's how I fixed it: I created this registry file, and ran it. Voila! No more deletion of the pst file. Copy all this text to a file, name it "OutlookFix.reg" and read the comments at the top. After editing and saving the file, double-click it. Be sure to authorize it to make changes to the registry:
I make no guarantees this will work for you…but it absolutely worked for my older desktop.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Before using this registry update file to disable the (broken & corrupt)
; Outlook addin, you much change the path to AVGOUTLOOKX.dll (on my
; computer it is C:\Program Files\AVG2014<br>; RegEdit requires the text strings to represent each "" with "\"
@="Addin Class"
@="C:\Program Files\AVG 2014\avgoutlookx.dll"
@="avgoutlook 1.0 Type Library"
@="C:\Program Files\AVG 2014\avgoutlookx.dll"
@="C:\Program Files\AVG 2014\"
You can just remove Outlook addon via add/remove from Control panel.
AVG Guru