Outlook error message

Hello Werner,

We will check this for you. AVG Add-in will no longer available in Outlook but AntiSpam feature will work as usual. You can add the email address to blacklist via AVG product.

Let us know the version of AVG you have installed and screenshot of error message you received to check and assist you further.

Info says 19.1.3075 (build 19.1.4142.0).
I again made a Windows update and the smartcard error is gone.
Trusting every signature from AVG could bypass the problem.
Will it cause any problems?

I made a full scan of my PC (Windows 7) 2 days ago. Now Microsoft Outtlook 2007 (SP3) reports an error when starting: first requesting a smart card. When clicking Cancel Outlook says that a potenial security issue is detected referring to the AVN signature (asOutExt.dll). The Signature is DigiCert SHA2 Timestamp Responder. I can activat the addin and work normally. Bute the error comes upevery time I start outlook. Any idea how to solve this nerving issue? Many thanks for any help! Werner

Werner, we cannot provide the exact solution until we examine the error. So, can you provide us the screenshot?

Info says 19.1.3075 (build 19.1.4142.0).
I again made a Windows update and the smartcard error is gone.
Trusting every signature from AVG could bypass the problem.
Will it cause any problems?

Hello Werner,

We will check this for you. AVG Add-in will no longer available in Outlook but AntiSpam feature will work as usual. You can add the email address to blacklist via AVG product.

Let us know the version of AVG you have installed and screenshot of error message you received to check and assist you further.