Outlook keeps sending out emails

I also cannot receive emails from msn,google,yahoo it says they are not compatable so I now get no mail every time I try and go ANYWHERE on the net I get a message stating if I proceed I will not be secured I am no longer wanting to buy anything on-line as I dont want my information for all to see.Also after purchasing ALL your programs in 1 of them I was supposed to get FREE privacy for my android It says the link was moved I notified AVG you said you'd handle it this was 6 weeks ago.since installing AVG on my network, phone ,T.V.,XBOX,I have had nothing but false hope and False promises by you AVG I thought your company was different than others but its turning out your just a scam like everybody else.   Does ahybody know any reputable companies out there that care about their customers???   Please let me know I'll buy the software Im not asking for nothing free

What passwords am I changing? My 3 email accounts go through my website, so am I changing the passwords in thewebsites admin page? Am I changing passwords on my computer in outlook express?..and to John Alger, I never said I wasn't getting emails. My problem is completley different than yours. Besides, I was looking for answers to MY problem, not inviting you to rant on my thread!

Yes, change passwords for your email accounts.

Joe, Re AVG Community Support expert assistance… They will attend to your posting @ their earliest convenience but please bear in mind it's now the weekend (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) in Brno, Czech Rep…
AVG Guru

I have AVG version 2014.0.4716 with Windows Vista. AVG auto scans eevey night and says no threats found. However, all day long my outlook accounts (3) keep sending out emails that are being returned as undeliverable. Even if I close outlook, when i open it up an hour or so later, theres 50 or so returned as undeliverable emails in EACH accounts inbox.

I had this happen a couple of months ago. I am with bigpond and they suspended my account and told me that someone had hacked my account and was using it to spam. I would contact my provider and get them to look into it.

I had this happen a couple of months ago. I am with bigpond and they suspended my account and told me that someone had hacked my account and was using it to spam. I would contact my provider and get them to look into it.

What passwords am I changing? My 3 email accounts go through my website, so am I changing the passwords in thewebsites admin page? Am I changing passwords on my computer in outlook express?..and to John Alger, I never said I wasn't getting emails. My problem is completley different than yours. Besides, I was looking for answers to MY problem, not inviting you to rant on my thread!

Hi Joe,
It doesn't sound like infection in PC, but like hacked account please change your passwords to something safe and unique.
Yes, change passwords for your email accounts.
Joe, Re AVG Community Support expert assistance.. They will attend to your posting @ their earliest convenience but please bear in mind it's now the weekend (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) in Brno, Czech Rep..
AVG Guru