This seems to be unusual. We will help you in fixing the issue.
Do you get any threat detection pop-ups/messages from AVG? If yes, share the screenshot including the detection dialog, with See details in the bottom-right corner displayed.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
How do I get AVG to stop putting my EXCEL spreadsheets with my macros into quarantine
It was taking too long to get an answer and my entire workflow was blocked, so I uninstalled AVG. It quarantined me 4 times before I gave up and uninstalled. The quarantine notes on each files were: "VBA:Downloader-BLW[Trj]". I think the immediate cause was I had a perhaps damaged project file and when I went to save it, Excel crashed. I think AVG might have interfered with the Excel recovery process because Excel got a sharing gviolation when it tried to save the projrct under a temporary new name. Here's a screen shot showing two of the Excel produced recovery files (highlighted) as well as various iterations of the original file as I recoverged from the (possibly damage to to project?) and got it working again.