Hello Lynwood,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We have a designated team who handle billing/sales related inquiries.
For further assistance in this regard, we'd recommend that you contact our sales team directly. Please visit this link (https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en) to contact our sales team via live chat. After clicking the above link, select Account and Billing -> Purchase and Renewal help ->Get Support -> Voice call or Chat.
Thank you for understanding in advance!
If you accept ALL of the AVG protection groups, what is the overall annual cost for them? Is there any deduction if only ONE computer is being protected?
Hello Lynwood,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We have a designated team who handle billing/sales related inquiries.
For further assistance in this regard, we'd recommend that you contact our sales team directly. Please visit this link (https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en) to contact our sales team via live chat. After clicking the above link, select Account and Billing -> Purchase and Renewal help ->Get Support -> Voice call or Chat.
Thank you for understanding in advance!