Paid ultimate subscription - but being spammed by AVG continuously

Hello Marlene,
Please accept my apologies with regards to the AVG software not living up to your expectations. You should not be receiving expiry notices when you try to fix the performance issues on your PC with AVG ultimate. I have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them. They would be glad to configure AVG Ultimate and run the optimizations tasks on your PC.

I have been a subscribed customer for almost 5 years. I have an ultimate subscription with PC Tune Up - yet I can't open an app or surf the internet without an AVG popup telling me I am not protected or I need another subscription for this or that. Its becoming more and more prevalent to the point I feel that my subscribed service is behaving like malware and I don't want it on my computer anymore. 

Why would I pay for more services if what I currently have appears to offer me no protection - this is what is coming from my own AV provider - AVG. If your ultimate offers next to no protection - why would I buy more of your products - because that is what the adware / AVG popups are telling me. I get no other popups or warnings from any other companies or software services I subscribe to. What is up? Your pop ups tell me that I have issues that need to be fixed - which I thought my paid subscription for PC tuneup / ultimate subscription was suppose to provide. When I run my subscribed AVG programs - I don't see "these problems" that your Pop Ups report - as being issued in need of fixing. So what's up? Am I being lied to - misled - or is that the path AVG is now taking - scare tactics to drive more subscriptions. 
Since your pops up keeping telling me I'm not protected - my solution is to change anti virus providers. All these tactics are doing is driving your subscribed customers away. I do not want software on my computer from a company that sinks to such low levels of professionalism.

And I did what the other forum threads said to do - I ran the updates to "fix" your pop up problem - still getting them… and now I'm concerned about how ethical AVG is and what exactly is being installed on my computer that I do not feel overly confident that AVG has their customers interests in mind. WHy did you ruin a good product with these unethical tactics and abuse of your customers privacy and their computers?

Hello Marlene,
Please accept my apologies with regards to the AVG software not living up to your expectations. You should not be receiving expiry notices when you try to fix the performance issues on your PC with AVG ultimate. I have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them. They would be glad to configure AVG Ultimate and run the optimizations tasks on your PC.