Partial protection on windows 10,

the full installation of the updates are failing particularly the computer protaction component, the message I got yesterday was this is not compatible with your program ??? I have been using AVG free 2015 since the beginning of the year with no problems this is sudden and I dont know how to fix it

I have not updated to 10. When I reserved my 10 download, I went to AVG about their compatibility. AVG responded they were fully upgraded and exactly attuned with 10. From the numurous complaints noted here it is obvious AVG was not up to speed and ready. Typical. The principal responder from AVG was Jonas Hansson who tried to act as if he were just another customer. The public must have caught on. Now "Ratheee" is the main man who usually gives no answers. He just asks questions or attempts to waste your time and GIG's by sending to you to some obscure link.

I have not updated to 10. When I reserved my 10 download, I went to AVG about their compatibility. AVG responded they were fully upgraded and exactly attuned with 10. From the numurous complaints noted here it is obvious AVG was not up to speed and ready. Typical. The principal responder from AVG was Jonas Hansson who tried to act as if he were just another customer. The public must have caught on. Now "Ratheee" is the main man who usually gives no answers. He just asks questions or attempts to waste your time and GIG's by sending to you to some obscure link.
Hello Barbara,
I can see that you are unable to update your AVG Free in your Windows 10 pc. I am very sorry to hear this, I will help you in fixing it.
Please be informed that AVG is compatible with Windows 10 . We have launched our latest version on September 17th which is AVG 2016 version. I request you to install uninstall the previous version and then install AVG Antivirus free 2016 in your pc. Please click on the following link to download AVG Antivirus free 2016 version in your pc .
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.