Hello Sue.
Unfortunately, we cannot locate your account details because you are not the author of this post.
We'd request you to contact our technical support team (https://support.avg.com/support_tech_chat?l=en) to resolve this issue.
Hello Raffaele,
We'll help you sort this.
We've sent you an email with detailed instructions to fix this issue.
Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.
Hello Why does the password protection deactivate every time I turn off the computer and do I have to reactivate it manually when I restart the computer?
Hi Johnny,
We will help you in this.
It was a bug and our developers have fixed it.
Kindly use clear from the below link and uninstall the AVG :
Restart the PC and reinstall the AVG to fix this issue.
My issue is with Password Protection in my Ultimate package . For some reason the subscritpion has been cancelled. Please help
Hello Raffaele,
We'll help you sort this.
We've sent you an email with detailed instructions to fix this issue.
Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.