Password Protection's disappearing act and Anti-Track's System Privacy

Hello Nikko,

We're sorry to hear this. Let us explain this to you. 

The AVG Password Protection is embedded into the AVG Internet Security.
You can see that in AVG Internet Security >> Hacker Attacks >> Password Protection
To ensure Password Protection is enabled and actively protecting your passwords, click Hacker Attacks on the main AVG Internet Security screen.
A green (ON) slider above Password Protection shows that the feature is enabled. 
So you do not have to worry about that.

To check the issue with AVG AntiTrack (System Privacy) turning off, we've sent you an email instruction to get our additional support.
Please do check & revert back to us.

I am a little upset with AVG.
When I purchased my current subscription to AVG Ultimate which ends July/2021 and subsequent 2 Yr extension of AVG Ultimate, I was expecting to have Password Protection (and Anti-Track with the recent purchase). While Anti-Track seems to be alive still, PP was having issues at startup and while people were continually told this was not a normal occurrence, it behaved the same on all 6 of the PCs (all Windows 10 Pro) AVG Ultimate was installed on. After startup, you would have to turn the PP back on, and then it was "fine." I say "fine" because, in all honesty, you had to take the software's word for it. Somewhere around the turn of 2020/2021, it seemed that AVG had "solved" the issue. Technically, at startup, it no longer told me that the PP was turned off, but it wasn't until later, 3 months later to be precise, when I clicked on the desktop icon for that "Password Protection" it popped up with "Your subscription was canceled." Really? My current subscription runs through July 30th and then the 2 yr extension I bought from Amazon should take me to July 30th, 2023.

What gives AVG? I NEED Password protection, it's ONE of the reasons I picked YOUR software.
Now, comes the point for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.

AVG Anti-Track has a similar "glitch." When IT loads at Startup, up until a recent update, 'System privacy' would show 'Keep my computer activities private' turned off. Every time I turned on the PC, I would need to turn that function back on. That new update stopped that from happening, but now at Startup, it pops up with only 4 of the 5 areas showing. "System Privacy" is initially missing. I have to close Anti-Track completely and reopen it, to see all 5 areas again, and yes, at this point "System Privacy" is active and turned on.

My concern is, where is the "Password Protection" I paid for, and do I have to be worried that Anti-Track will disappear like PP did if AVG can't figure out how to fix the glitches in AT?

And just for GP (general purposes), don't ask for me to "uninstall and reinstall" the software. I DID, and the SAME exact behavior exists on EACH system it is installed on, from my Z97 i5 and i7 systems, to my i7 laptop, to my m3 Surface Pro 4, and even my i9 x299 system. While reinstallation can fix some issues people have with software, if advised in situations like this, it seems to be just a way to placate the end-user without scaring away other protential customers. If I can recognize these issues are not isolated, I sure as heck know AVG is well aware of their existence and it doesn't fix any lack of confidence to sweep them under the carpet.
Hello Nikko,

We're sorry to hear this. Let us explain this to you. 

The AVG Password Protection is embedded into the AVG Internet Security.
You can see that in AVG Internet Security >> Hacker Attacks >> Password Protection
To ensure Password Protection is enabled and actively protecting your passwords, click Hacker Attacks on the main AVG Internet Security screen.
A green (ON) slider above Password Protection shows that the feature is enabled. 
So you do not have to worry about that.

To check the issue with AVG AntiTrack (System Privacy) turning off, we've sent you an email instruction to get our additional support.
Please do check & revert back to us.