Payed pro version but avg not updated

Hello Cris. Please click on the below link to install and activate your AVG protection.

Please feel free to contact us back should you need any further assistance.

Kindly note same is already installed but says it is a trial version…

have bought avg protection, money taken out already from my account, but avg myaccount shows no product paid and avg system tells me to buy pro version. 
is it because buying was done 28/3 and visa card expires in april as it states in avg my account?
if yes it is silly once money already taken out from my bank account.

Cris, I would request you to contact our technical support for further assistance.

Please feel free to contact us back should you need any further assistance.

Kindly note same is already installed but says it is a trial version…

Hello Cris. Please click on the below link to install and activate your AVG protection.

Please feel free to contact us back should you need any further assistance.