Payer par E-Carte (carte virtuelle)

Hello Geneviève,

We'd be glad to help you.

AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( /) to translate this message.

I request you click on the link below to reach our AVG billing team via live chat or call support to help you with this.
Thank you in advance.

J'ai reçu un mail m'indiquant que vous n'arriviez pas à débiter ma carte bancaire pour le renouvellement de mon abonnement AVG TUNE UP.
C'est normal puisque j'utilise une carte virtuelle E-CARTE pour payer mes achats sur internet.

Comment puis-je payer mon abonnement avec ce type de carte ?

Hello Geneviève,

We'd be glad to help you.

AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( /) to translate this message.

I request you click on the link below to reach our AVG billing team via live chat or call support to help you with this.
Thank you in advance.