PC Tune up does not start

Hello Greg.
We're here to help. Could you let us know the version of AVG PC TuneUp program installed on your PC? Since you can not open it, you can determine the version as suggested below:

Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
Under Programs, click Uninstall a program if you are using the default category view, or click Programs and Features if you are using the large/small icons view.
Select AVG PC TuneUp in the list of installed programs to highlight it.
You can see version information furnished against it.

My W10 PC crashed recently and many of the profile files were corrupted. I have restored most things and AVG Internet Security seems fine. I updated it today and scanned the sysem, all good.
However, while all files and shortcuts seem OK when I try and start PC Tuneup noting happens. I cannot open it form the My AVG panel in AVG Internet Security or from desktop shortcuts that did work or even from the .exe file the short cut points to.

I need to use PC Tune up asap to clean broken links and see what else needs fixing in the registry etc.

All other aspects of the AVG system seem to be working.

Thanks, it had not updated on my browser.

When opening Driver updater it gave a message saying it needed to update. When half way through the update it said there was an error and stpped the process. I don't use it often and it is not all that good at doing what it is supposed to do so I have uninstaled it and will try and install it after I et the other more pressing issues settled.

BTW - you didn't answer the question about the status of PC tune up. Will the new version I install have the same features as the version that is beng replaced?

Greg, some of the features will not be available in the new version of AVG TuneUp.
This is due to the feedback provided by the AVG customers all over the globe and we assure you that the new version of AVG TuneUp will perform to your utmost satisfaction.
Yes, disk defragmentation feature is not available with the latest version.
Did you activate the subscription using AVG MyAccount? If yes, may I ask the expiry date that you see on the "My Subscriptions" window?
You should actually see the TuneUp that says as "active" on the "my subscriptions" not the other one which is related to your AVG PC TuneUp (1 computer) license expiring on 31st May 2019.

BTW, is it true that PC Tune Up has been dumbed down so it won't do registry defrags etc? I really need it to do the things it sued to do.

I am sure my registry will be severely fragmented after the crash and rebuild that involved lots of cutting and pasting ... how do I find out how fragmente and how do I unfrag it to make things work smoother/faster??

Greg, I have already responded to you.

I have an ULTIMATE subscription.
Also, noticed Driver Updater won't update properly so have uninstalled it.