PC TuneUp 2015 version 15.0.1001.604

I had to run MicrosoftFixit.dvd.MATSKB.Run from the Microsoft Troubleshooter page to fix the issue.

Thanks for posting back. Glad to know that your issue has been solved. Thanks.

Since installing this product, and all the updates, PC TuneUp is reporting the following problem under topic PC Health
Windows reports that the "TSSTCorp CDDVDW SH-222BB ATA Device" device is not working properly.

Following the recommended solution just returns:
Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date.

The ATA device will not read CDs or DVDs in windows 7 but will read them when I run my PC via the Linux Mint 17 OS.

Any ideas???

Thanks for posting back. Glad to know that your issue has been solved. Thanks.

Hi Phillip, perform a system restore and see if that solves the problem. Select the most recent restore point. Copy all your important files on a USB drive before you perform system restore. To know how to perform system restore visit: http://bit.ly/1sYgmYS. Let us know how it goes. Thanks. 
I had to run MicrosoftFixit.dvd.MATSKB.Run from the Microsoft Troubleshooter page to fix the issue.