Pc tuneup icons not displaying correctly

Hi Kevin,
Please try completely reinstall it by using remover (http://www.avg.com/filedir/util/TuneUp_Remover.exe) first, than clean install.

Hi Kevin,
Please try completely reinstall it by using remover (http://www.avg.com/filedir/util/TuneUp_Remover.exe) first, than clean install.

I have no icons for the main PC TuneUp on my desktop, in the programme folder where it is stored (the Integrator application is being pointed to by the desktop shortcut and the task bar version).

Ironically PC TuneUp 'fix damaged icons' utility doesn't work on fixing its own icons… I noticed some forum posts from 2013 on the same issue but these were closed to new comments and there weren't any solutions anyway… what do I do to fix the problem please as I'm not convinced PC TuneUp has installed properly and the last time I uninstalled an AVG product I had to call AVG to have the license reset before I could upload it again…

Thanks in advance for any pearls of wisdom :slight_smile: