Hello Mary,
Sorry for the inconvenience. We understand that PDF application has been listed as a Advanced threat in Quick scan. Can you please provide us the screenshot of the quick scan result to proceed further.
To know how create screenshot, please make use of the below article.
Steps to take Screenshot. (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?&supportType=home&urlName=AVG-Create-screenshot)
Thank you.
PDF,s appear many times on Advanced Threats when I run Quick Scan.
Hello Mary,
Sorry for the inconvenience. We understand that PDF application has been listed as a Advanced threat in Quick scan. Can you please provide us the screenshot of the quick scan result to proceed further.
To know how create screenshot, please make use of the below article.
Steps to take Screenshot. (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?&supportType=home&urlName=AVG-Create-screenshot)
Thank you.