PDF Files impossible to delete or move because opened in AVG

Can't format a drive either because there's a PDF on it?

So what the hell do we do in the meantime? I have files that I need to move and your garbage software has them locked down! Ineptitude at its highest. I paid for a long-term subscription to AVG and I'm really regretting it! How do I go about getting a refund?

As far as I know, the only solution shall work for you here is to go to the settings and deselect the PDF extension form the overall list of the ones to inspect. Then there would be a chance you get an infected PDF file and there would be nothing you could do about it as well but I don't see nothing else for you. Obviously, you could use the online tools for such purposes, this one eg https://edit-pdf.pdffiller.com/ but it's only if you consider moving this process online and to spend some bucks on that, the tool has a free trial period and it's cheaper than Adobe license, but it's paid nevertheless

I noticed I am not able to move in other folders or delete PDF files.
Windows says: "Unable to complete this operation because the file is open in AVGUI.exe".

I tried to uninstall AVG and everything worked well but I can't stay without antivirus so I installed it again and the problem is still there. 

Can you please help me? 

Hello, Chiara.
We regret for any inconvenience caused. This is a known issue and it will be fixed in the next update which should be released soon. Appreciate your patience.

As far as I know, the only solution shall work for you here is to go to the settings and deselect the PDF extension form the overall list of the ones to inspect. Then there would be a chance you get an infected PDF file and there would be nothing you could do about it as well but I don't see nothing else for you. Obviously, you could use the online tools for such purposes, this one eg https://edit-pdf.pdffiller.com/ but it's only if you consider moving this process online and to spend some bucks on that, the tool has a free trial period and it's cheaper than Adobe license, but it's paid nevertheless

My apologies for the inconvenience caused. We are aware about this issue. Our development team is working on a fix. The issue will be fixed automatically soon.

Hello, Chiara.
We regret for any inconvenience caused. This is a known issue and it will be fixed in the next update which should be released soon. Appreciate your patience.