PDFCreator false positive? Infected by Win32:UnwantedSig (PUP)

Hello Marco, 

We will check and help you to resolve it. Please submit the URL to our developers for analysis.
Click this link to submit the form.
Our developers will check and cofirm whether the detection is correct or not. Once the analysis done, they will get back to you as soon as possible.

Until then you can add this website to the Exceptions.
AVG >> Menu >> Settings >> General >> Exceptions

My AVG installation recently reported "the file "lavasoft_overlay_new_setup_progress_en_836de029-df55-483c-b06e-67c270576b5f-v3.exe has been moved to Quarantine since it appears to be infected by Win32:UnwantedSig (PUP)" right after I installed PDFCreator.

is a completely open source piece of software, therefore the addition of a malware and the permanence of it in the code (being this latter virtually viewable by anyone willing to check the safety and authenticity of it) seem counterintuitive.

GitHub - pdfforge/PDFCreator: PDFCreator - The free PDF Converter
PDFCreator: Download our free PDF converter here

Hence I would need help in understanding whether it may be a matter of false positive or not, so that I can decide whether to delete it or safely remove it from quarantine.

Hello Marco, 

We will check and help you to resolve it. Please submit the URL to our developers for analysis.
Click this link to submit the form.
Our developers will check and cofirm whether the detection is correct or not. Once the analysis done, they will get back to you as soon as possible.

Until then you can add this website to the Exceptions.
AVG >> Menu >> Settings >> General >> Exceptions

What website should I temporarily add to the Exceptions?
You mean GitHub - pdfforge/PDFCreator: PDFCreator - The free PDF Converter ?

Thank you