Platba, ale žádná změna pc

Dobrý večer, před pár dny jsem zakoupila antivirus AVG, platba proběhla úspěšně, ale nemůže se mi podařit, začít s ochranou mého počítače, co bych měla dělat, prosím ? Děkuji, hezký večer A.Částková

Alena, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Payment, but no change pc
Good evening, a few days ago I bought AVG antivirus payment was successful, but I can not succeed, start protecting my computer, what should I do, please? Thank you, nice evening
AVG Guru

Hello Alena,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you,
Kishore, AVG Customer Care.

Hello Alena,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you,
Kishore, AVG Customer Care.