Welp this is my last attempt in getting support before I'm uninstalling.
You literally make your forums lock out accounts for no explanation. Mind you I'm assuming that's what you do as I do not believe one bit your "We'll be right back" excuse, when other users are able to create posts and comment, and I proved it to myself by creating new accounts twice- second account also faces the same 'problem', and I'm sure after sending this, this account will face it as well, but I don't care because if you don't give me proper support I'm just done with you.
I'm only using AVG Browsers for the Video Downloader extension, if you're not going to help me solve the problem I'm going to abandon it and you, as you're just not worth it without it especially when if you avoid giving support.
Going to copy part of the second account comment to my first post, and we'll see if it being a separate post will do anything.
Uninstalling and reinstalling AVG Browser does nothing to solve the problem, as it appears to exist within the extension itself, most likely not being updated properly in your browser for some reason.
The three errors that appear to be the most serious are as followed; (The first one always shows up, the other two and others show up after a while of the error section being opened)
1. Unrecognized manifest key 'dataKeys'.
2. [33mWARNING:[0m ytdl-core is out of date! Update with "npm install ytdl-core@latest".
3. Third-part cookie will be blocked. Learn more in the Issues tab.
Here's a link showing the previous errors from the semi-log I managed to capture. There's other errors as well, but they're marked with a red symbol instead of the yellow triangle thingy.
It's public access, you should be able to see it just fine.