Please help me to cancel the subscription of AVG Driver updater

Hello Benny,

We are here to help you.

Auto-renewal was cancelled for both the subscriptions. The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. 

You can continue using the subscription until it expires and you will be informed about the expiration of your license prior to the expiration date.

Feel free to contact us if you require any help.

Dear AvG, 

I really need help. To cancel my avg driver updater subscription.. I already cancel the subs of avg ultimate, but  the Avg driver updater is still there..  

Please help.. Thank you

Hello Benny,

We are here to help you.

Auto-renewal was cancelled for both the subscriptions. The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. 

You can continue using the subscription until it expires and you will be informed about the expiration of your license prior to the expiration date.

Feel free to contact us if you require any help.