Hello Umair,
I really appreciate your effort in providing us with the valuable information and thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. I have forwarded your suggestions/information to our senior team for further analysis.
Best regards,
Hi Umair, Thanks for sharing your article and appreciate your interest in Avast. As Alan mentioned, you may want to also share it on Avast Forums (https://forum.avast.com).
Other than that, the article looks good to me :)
I am an internet security enthusiast and I love testing different aspects of antivirus products to see what they have to offer and how they compare to other products. I have just finished writing an in-depth comparison between Windows Defender and Avast.
Can someone from the experts have a look at it and let me know if I've stated something incorrectly about Avast. I'd highly appreciate it. Here it is: Windows Defender vs Avast | The Ultimate Comparison.
(Avast doesn't seem to have 'ask a question' page so I thought I should post it here.)
I really appreciate your effort in providing us with the valuable information and thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. I have forwarded your suggestions/information to our senior team for further analysis.
Best regards,
Umair, Quote 'Avast doesn't seem to have 'ask a question' page so I thought I should post it here'…
Avast forum (https://forum.avast.com/).
AVG Guru
You're correct. I'm part of AVG Team.
Best regards,
Hi Umair, Thanks for sharing your article and appreciate your interest in Avast. As Alan mentioned, you may want to also share it on Avast Forums (https://forum.avast.com).
Other than that, the article looks good to me :)