Please tell me how to fix the error

Hello Sangdo,

We can help you with this.
Have you run AVG Clear tool as mentioned (here) to remove the traces of AVG?
If not, please run it and then try installing AVG.
If you are using AVG antivirus free, follow the steps as mentioned (here).

This is the error phrase you want to install
The AVG installation manager cannot continue because the last AVG operation was performed without restarting. Please reboot your computer first and then run Setup Manager again."

"I'm sorry I failed to install. There was a problem initializing (0xE0010606: General error (0x0606)

I've been removing it with AVG eraser, rebooting, reinstalling, and trying it out.

Hello Sangdo,

We can help you with this.
Have you run AVG Clear tool as mentioned (here) to remove the traces of AVG?
If not, please run it and then try installing AVG.
If you are using AVG antivirus free, follow the steps as mentioned (here).