Prevent Uninstall

Hi Andrew
If you have installed AVG AntiVirus on your phone.
By enabling this level. make sure that you have the Device Administrator enabled
You can then try to remove the check-enable this app to be an administrator. and tried to uninstall AVG AntiVirus
If you want to use AVG
Basically after you install AVG AntiVirus on your phone. and allow AVG to be administrator. It then must activate Anti-Theft service
| AVG (
You can manage the device remotely. He can find stolen device to lock it. to delete important data and other actions

I have avg pro for my android phone and I think I have it set up properly including app lock which is important to me.
The problem is that it seems to be possible to simply uninstall AVG of you have hold of the phone without any sort of password request thus negating any security. I have it set as a device administrator but I can still just uninstall from within the app (which I can't seem to password protect) or by simply dragging the icon to the uninstall bin.
Is this an inherent weakness or an I missing something?

Hi Andrew
If you have installed AVG AntiVirus on your phone.
By enabling this level. make sure that you have the Device Administrator enabled
You can then try to remove the check-enable this app to be an administrator. and tried to uninstall AVG AntiVirus
If you want to use AVG
Basically after you install AVG AntiVirus on your phone. and allow AVG to be administrator. It then must activate Anti-Theft service (
You can manage the device remotely. He can find stolen device to lock it. to delete important data and other actions