Hello Mario. Tuneup utilities communicates with windows security center to report such kind of alerts. So it should be your security center that is reporting your anti virus program is not active. No problem, please check your anti virus program and if it is working fine, you can just ignore or hide that problem in Tuneup utilities.
Thank you so much for your kind response. Now, thanks to your precious information, I know where, Tune UP, find information about antivirus!
I ignore the notice from Tune Up, as the Kaspersky antivirus works fine.
Many thanks again for your kind and prompt response.
I have installed, on Windows 7 64-bit, the 2013 version of Tune Up Utilities.
TuneUp Utilities 2013 (13.0.4000.251) keeps telling me that no antivirus program is installed, while, instead, I have installed the antivirus of Kaspersky, on Kaspersky Internet Security program.
This only happens from a few days: before everything was regular.
How can I eliminate this bug about the program that doesn't detect the anti-virus program?
Thanks you so much for your kind response.
Thank you so much for your kind response. Now, thanks to your precious information, I know where, Tune UP, find information about antivirus!
I ignore the notice from Tune Up, as the Kaspersky antivirus works fine.
Many thanks again for your kind and prompt response.