Hello John, You've reached the AVG community support forum. I am sorry to hear that you are unable to update the virus database. Please provide us the below information to assist you further:
May I know in which OS device are you encountering this issue ?
Is the application updated to the latest version ?
May I kow when did the issue started ?
May I know while trying to update the application do you encounter any error ? If so, please provide us the screenshot, so that we could assist you further.
Once, you provide us the details, we can certainly check and assist you accordingly.
Hello John, You've reached the AVG community support forum. I am sorry to hear that you are unable to update the virus database. Please provide us the below information to assist you further:
May I know in which OS device are you encountering this issue ?
Is the application updated to the latest version ?
May I kow when did the issue started ?
May I know while trying to update the application do you encounter any error ? If so, please provide us the screenshot, so that we could assist you further.
Once, you provide us the details, we can certainly check and assist you accordingly.