Programm funktioniert nicht

Hello Helene,

Sorry for not replying in your language. AVG Support is provided only in English.
Could you please explain your issue with AVG in English so that we can understand and assist you better?

Habe bei Euch AVG PC Tuneup  gekauft Sonderpreis  für 17,50 ,leider  Ihren Programm funktioniert nicht ,es zeigt nur weiße Tafel , bitte schicken Sie mir Ihren Beschreibung was soll ich machen.Bezahlen habe durch PayPal.
MfG Engels

Helene, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[German to English]
Program does not work
I have AVG PC Tuneup bought special price for 17.50, unfortunately your program does not work, it shows only white board, please send me your description what should I make.Payment by PayPal.
AVG Guru

Hello Helene,

Sorry for not replying in your language. AVG Support is provided only in English.
Could you please explain your issue with AVG in English so that we can understand and assist you better?