Hi Doug,
If you need license number, best way is refund Performance and buy Internet Security.
Our tools are clean, real issue might be "SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus Service".
Hi Doug,
First please try reffer to this article, if it doesn't help please provide us with this tool and add detailed description of issue.
Hi Doug,
I have escalated your case, you will be contacted via email.
Hi Doug,
I have transferred this issue to our refund team they should contact you soon via email.
Internet connectivity is not the problem - never has been. Regarding the sysinfo tool - as noted in my original posting, I previoulsy attempted to run AVG sysinfo - it tried to access my e-mail accounts / addresses. Tried to download the AVG Reset Access tool - following msg displayed: This request is blocked by the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus Service. Name: Shiz.NCF_12 (Trojan). As a result do not trust any software tools from AVG and will not attempt to download or run.
Have reqeusted to India tech support personnel and above to advise meaning / cause of Error code: 1073273028, Which was displayed with msg : "An unknown issue has prevented Internet Security from installing."
I am presently using Internet Security 2015 trial version which expires in 2 days.
As AVG has been unable to advise the source of error code 1073273028 or provide sufficient corrective actions to allow connection to the Zen network and activiation of Internet Security 2015 that had to be downloaded with Protection 2015, please provide the following:
1. License code / key to extend use of the Internet Security 2015 trial version for two years, or,
2. Provide contact information for US based AVG senior supervisor that can provide the requested license code / key. 1 877 469 8630 only connects me to AVG's India based tech support which is incapable of resolving the problem and is exceedingly frustrating to deal with.
Purchased AVG Protection 2015 for unlimited devices for 2 years at a local retailer. Was most disappointed to find the core files for Internet Security and Zen network were not on the CD. This practice is certainly is not in the client’s best interest.
Have attempted for several weeks to install AVG Protection 2015 and the Zen network for the sole purpose of installing Internet Security. Following msg is displayed: "An unknown issue has prevented Internet Security from installing." Error code: 1073273028. AVG India based tech support unable to provide any explanation / support regarding this error. Note Protection 2015 software was successfully installed on one (1) other PC configured same as mine i.e., Windows XP SP-3. While the Zen network appears to have installed, am not able to connect and therefore Internet Security is not usable.
Ran AVG sysinfo and it tried to access my e-mail accounts / addresses. Tried to download the AVG Reset Access tool - following msg displayed: This request is blocked by the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus Service. Name: Shiz.NCF_12 (Trojan). As a result do not trust any software tools from AVG and will not attempt to download or run.
I only require Internet Security and have no need to connect any mobile devices. All AVG instructions to install this product have been followed without success. Am presently using Internet Security 2015 trial version which expires in several days. As AVG tech support is incapable of resolving / explaining the install failures, request AVG provide a license key to maintain Internet Security in effect for two (2) years.
The most recent attempt to install AVG Zen again failed. Msg stating an unknown issue prevented Internet Security from installing was displayed along with error code: -1073273028. Certainly someone at AVG knows the cause / source of this error.
I need to contact someone with AVG in the US that has the knowledge and authority to resolve my ongoing problem. Please advise ASAP.
Have reqeusted to India tech support personnel and above to advise meaning / cause of Error code: 1073273028, Which was displayed with msg : "An unknown issue has prevented Internet Security from installing."
I am presently using Internet Security 2015 trial version which expires in 2 days.
As AVG has been unable to advise the source of error code 1073273028 or provide sufficient corrective actions to allow connection to the Zen network and activiation of Internet Security 2015 that had to be downloaded with Protection 2015, please provide the following:
1. License code / key to extend use of the Internet Security 2015 trial version for two years, or,
2. Provide contact information for US based AVG senior supervisor that can provide the requested license code / key. 1 877 469 8630 only connects me to AVG's India based tech support which is incapable of resolving the problem and is exceedingly frustrating to deal with.
Hi Doug,
If you need license number, best way is refund Performance and buy Internet Security.
Our tools are clean, real issue might be "SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus Service".
Doug, One other point. All the 'blue' links for USA, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Israel, France, United Kingdom, Canada & Australia bring up the 'Requested page not found'. That's because there's AVG 2024 | FREE Antivirus, VPN & TuneUp for All Your Devices which shouldn't be in the links.
AVG Guru
Doug, It's now the weekend in Brno so there won't be any response from Zbynek | AVG Employee (AVG Technologies) before Monday @ the very earliest. There's a USA office shown on this webpage (http://www.avg.com/ww-en/contacts).
AVG Guru
Hi Doug,
I have escalated your case, you will be contacted via email.
Hi Doug,
I have transferred this issue to our refund team they should contact you soon via email.
Doug, I'm not an AVG employee. This will apply… When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno, Czech Rep… (Working Hours [Mon-Fri] 9:00am - 5:00pm CET) will see your topic & respond but obviously bear in mind that it's now the weekend.
AVG Guru