Purchasing Trial Verson

Hello Wendy. Please have a look at this article on how to activate your AVG Pctune up :http://avgread.me/1NmeRfp. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance. Thank you.

My trial period just expired and I purchased the product.  I received an email giving me the purchase number and license number but can't find where to enter this information to activate.  Now I have received a message saying my protection has been cancelled.  HELP

Hello Wendy. Please have a look at this article on how to activate your AVG Pctune up :http://avgread.me/1NmeRfp. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance. Thank you.

Hello  Wendy, I  checked your account you have purchased AVG PC Tune up. I request you to follow below note while you activate the product.

NOTE: Please note that license numbers or case sensitive. Please enter all the characters as it is mentioned above. All the characters are to be entered in Uppercase along with the hyphen symbol (-).

I have done as suggested.  However when I enter what was given me as a license number I am told it is not correct.