Quarantine restore not available

Hello Nick. Thank you for taking the time to write. My name is Shawn and I am writing to you on behalf of AVG's senior support team. I will help you.

I have read through the exchanged dialogue, and I understand your reported concern. Simply summarized, you performed a scan of your computer's hard drives, and six files were determined to be suspicion and placed in quarantine. You are certain these files are not malicious and want to submit said files as a false detection and to add an exception.

The screenshots you shared are most helpful, and as commonly said, can speak a thousand words. The screenshot that references the maximum size of your quarantine, regrettably, is a setting applicable to the quarantine, but is not the actual quarantine location.

To correctly access the quarantine, from within AVG Free AntiVirus:

- Select Menu (upper right corner icon)
- Select Quarantine (beneath Tools/Do No Disturb Mode)

Hello Nikolay,

We regret the inconvenience caused. We'll certainly look into this and help you.
Please follow these steps to locate the Quarantine folder: AVG Antivirus Free > Menu > Tools > Quarantine.
Once you've reached the Quarantine folder, please check if you can locate your six suspected and quarantined files in there.
If you do locate them, instead of clicking on "Restore", please click on "Restore and add exception" and check if your files get restored.
Keep us updated.

I am using AVG_Antivirus free
I started the scan drive C and D
6 suspected files (false positive) have been discovered and put to quarantine w/o my permitting . There was no option "Add exception" either.
Now I am trying to restore them from the quarantine, as I usually did in the past.
There is no "Quarantine" in the menu,  nor in the settings.
I did the repair via  Control Panel/Programs/AVG/Uninstall/Repair, as stated on your WEB
did the repair via  Control Panel/Programs/AVG/Uninstall/Repair, as stated on your WEB

NO Change!

Please, help me to restore the normal function/Features of AVG free and find where the quarantine Dir is, with the aim to restore the quarantined programs (false positives).

Thank you stay healthy

Nikolay Nikolov

Hello Nikolay,

We regret the inconvenience caused. We'll certainly look into this and help you.
Please follow these steps to locate the Quarantine folder: AVG Antivirus Free > Menu > Tools > Quarantine.
Once you've reached the Quarantine folder, please check if you can locate your six suspected and quarantined files in there.
If you do locate them, instead of clicking on "Restore", please click on "Restore and add exception" and check if your files get restored.
Keep us updated.

Hi, Santhosh, thanks for your concern.
I really don't understand what is going on. Obviously there are two separate sevice  teams within AVG, which do not communicate to each other, but this is not good for the custmmers. And I think the "original AVG Customer Care" <support@help.avg.com> is better and more efective ans this one (Avast), as soon as they open a ticket end don't return Emails for no reoson.
Two hours befoer this (your) Answer on the WEB site (Why on the WEB and not directly to my Email?) I received an answer and solution from <support@help.avg.com> - please, refer to <Re: AVG Customer Care - Request #11374769    [ ref:_00Db0Z3Sf._5000N2FO9jU:ref ]>
The problem was solved very easy,  and you don't need to escalate the case to your Senior team , who ever it is, except if somebfy from the managment is interested in  optimizing the AVG service generally
Stay healthy. Nick

To further clarify, upon selecting the menu icon, you need to scroll your mouse downward to access other available menu options, which I believe you overlooked. The following AVG support page, https://is.gd/CZwAap, provides more detailed information (including pictures) of using the Quarantine feature in AVG Free Antivirus.

Lastly, regarding your concern of communicating with AVG's support team, this community forum, in addition to our online support site, https://is.gd/nfqUz2, are the available communication channels for AVG Free AntiVirus support. In the event you are subscribed to a paid AVG product subscription, you then are afforded an email option to communicate with AVG's technical support team.

I trust the information and explanation help clarify your concern. Let me know if there is anything else I may help you with. Regards, Shawn

There were  many screens attached to my messagee. Were thy are now?

Nikolay, we understand your concern.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Let me escalate the case to our Senior team. We will get back to you once we get a reply from them.

Your patience is appreciated.