Ransomware protection

Hello John,
We would like to inform you that AVG detects all known versions of WannaCry, but we strongly recommend all Windows users fully update their system with the latest available patches. Microsoft has released a message reminding that the company has already released a security update in March, which provides additional protection in the event of a potential attack, so if you installed all the possible updates on your operating system, then you will not have a problem.
The update can be downloaded from here - Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010.
https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx .
Thank you.

I am using Windows Vista, and my Windows Update finction is no longer working. Therefore, I am unable to download the Microsoft patch for ransomware protection.

Is there a product that will protect my PC from ramsomware?

Hello John,
We would like to inform you that AVG detects all known versions of WannaCry, but we strongly recommend all Windows users fully update their system with the latest available patches. Microsoft has released a message reminding that the company has already released a security update in March, which provides additional protection in the event of a potential attack, so if you installed all the possible updates on your operating system, then you will not have a problem.
The update can be downloaded from here - Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010.
https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx .
Thank you.