Hello Francis,
I apologize for the inconvenience. The email instructions you have received if for the older version. In the recent release, the activation steps have been changed entirely. Please open AVG Internet Security > My AVG > My Subscription > Enter the new license and click ok to activate the program.
If you face any difficulties, please provide the screenshot [ http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot] of the AVG Interface to check and assist further.
Hello Francis,
I apologize for the inconvenience. The email instructions you have received if for the older version. In the recent release, the activation steps have been changed entirely. Please open AVG Internet Security > My AVG > My Subscription > Enter the new license and click ok to activate the program.
If you face any difficulties, please provide the screenshot [ http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot] of the AVG Interface to check and assist further.
I cannot spend much more of my life struggling to reactivate my AVG after paying for the coming year.
I am given instructions that bear no relations to what appears on my screen.
How hard can it be?
I am told to click on the top menu, then click on 'Support' then click on 'Reactivate'
I am still searching for it. There is more of this sorry saga on Facebook.
To add insult to grave injury, I am still getting pop-ups from all directions trying to sell me more of the company's products.
I would sooner insert wasps per anum. For the benefit of of AVG this is a body cavity, not a year!!
I stopped my Tune-Up subscription long ago, yet tune up still appears to be on my computer.
I cannot carry on. To quote from Mervyn Peake's book, "Hell crap me!"