Real time protection

Domonic, Mac OS support… Please click on the following link ( and fill out your details, select as Mac OS then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your device and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on the 'Start Chat' option. You will start a live, online chat with one of the AVG agents.
AVG Guru

It shows it came in the apple mail program and should be covered by realtime protection as was not already on the machine. The js.downloader virus on the Mac Mini. The Macbook pro has the ?X.nstallCore.O? Infection that AVG says it cannot delete but sys it's blocked. Howver, once I ascan again it is still there and I am still infected. they both seem to just go in a circle with nothing good happening here. So,How do I get rid of and or remove these off both machines?

How come AVG Real Time Protection DOES NOT protect me from any viruses. I have had up to 24 on one my Macbook Pro Twice now and 15 to 17 on my Mac Mini that are not detected until I run a complete virus scan on the computers. the one on the MAc mini is a Downloader Virus from an email that was not stopped and the Macbook Pro was a Installer Core X something on Ccleaner and Evernote products and a few others. Why doesn't AVG catch these prior? 
How come real time protection DOES NOT WORK?
Hello Domoni,
Could you please let us know whether the detected files got removed? How they were detected? It is to keep you informed that the Real-time protection scans only files used by the computer (meaning that if infected file can be on the HDD but is detected only when running it). Thanks

Domonic, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot ( here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

It shows it came in the apple mail program and should be covered by realtime protection as was not already on the machine. The js.downloader virus on the Mac Mini. The Macbook pro has the ?X.nstallCore.O? Infection that AVG says it cannot delete but sys it's blocked. Howver, once I ascan again it is still there and I am still infected. they both seem to just go in a circle with nothing good happening here. So,How do I get rid of and or remove these off both machines?

Hello Domonic,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We have escalated your concern to our senior level we will get back to you with a resolution
Thank you.

We request you to restart your computer and run the scan again. If the issue still persist, please provide us with the screenshots of the detection windows. Thank you.

Domonic, As per my previous posting have you tried the dedicated AVG Mac OS support?. Please note that this Community mainly deals with the technical queries regarding AVG Windows products.
AVG Guru