Realtime protection crashed - os 10.11 el captitan GM release

Hi Buck,
Sorry to know that. Please specify the name of the AVG product and the operating system with which you are facing this issue. If you are facing this issue with Mac operating system,  please visit the below link ( ) and fill in the details, explain your issue, select OS as Android and click on Email option. Our Mac team technicians will get back to you via your email.
Feel free to contact us if you have any queries with AVG products. Thank you.

real time  protrection not working El Capitan

Hi Buck,
Sorry to know that. Please specify the name of the AVG product and the operating system with which you are facing this issue. If you are facing this issue with Mac operating system,  please visit the below link ( ) and fill in the details, explain your issue, select OS as Android and click on Email option. Our Mac team technicians will get back to you via your email.
Feel free to contact us if you have any queries with AVG products. Thank you.