Hello Bernard. Thank you for contacting us. Real time Protection is automatically enabled immediately after installation of AVG AntiVirus for Mac, and all accessed files are scanned for any malicious code.
If a threat is found, the file is blocked and you will be prompted to decide if you would like to keep it or delete it. If you choose to keep the detected file, it will remain in the original location, but it will be blocked to prevent any damage it may cause.
Is it necessary to have AVG AntiVirus open for it to provide RealTime Protection? Or does it run automatically in the background when Mac is booted?
Uunately, this did not answer my question, hence my additional question.
Uunately, this did not answer my question, hence my additional question.
Hello Bernard. Please click on the following link (http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical ) and fill out your details, select as Mac OS then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your Mac and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on Email option. We will reply back to you via email with a resolution.
Hello Bernard. Thank you for contacting us. Real time Protection is automatically enabled immediately after installation of AVG AntiVirus for Mac, and all accessed files are scanned for any malicious code.
If a threat is found, the file is blocked and you will be prompted to decide if you would like to keep it or delete it. If you choose to keep the detected file, it will remain in the original location, but it will be blocked to prevent any damage it may cause.
If a threat is found, the file is blocked and you will be prompted to decide if you would like to keep it or delete it. If you choose to keep the detected file, it will remain in the original location, but it will be blocked to prevent any damage it may cause.